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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Summer Sugar Skull Turquoise Shirt

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My boss doesn't care. He says it's a hoax and refuses to close even though there are confirmed (and who knows how many unconfirmed) cases in our area. At what point do I stand up for myself and my family (who are all quarantine through their jobs already) and say I'm not coming in? It's a tough situation, and I'm praying for a national lock down sooner than later Wait another week to find out you need a national quarantine and things are still going to get exponentially worse over the following two weeks. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Summer Sugar Skull Turquoise Shirt

Sugar Skull Color Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Mexican Holiday Shirt

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That 'Only some' are the people that can afford to take 2 weeks off or who can work from home. We who are unable to work from home and who do not get paid sick time HAVE to come in to work. It is a choice between getting a paycheck and making the mortgage payment or self quarantine and go into default... I think it's kinda silly (not useless) that only some of us are actually quarantining now. It would make much more sense that everyone did it at the same time and then count 15 days to see if we have made an impact on this situation. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Color Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Mexican Holiday Shirt

Sugar Skull Voodoo Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Considering close to half the country voted for Donald dump in 2016, I have very low expectations of people actually researching then choosing their candidates. Sanders has a way stronger plan imo. It needs to be nationwide. We saw what happened in Italy, where the news of a pending regional quarantine was leaked and hundreds of people immediately hopped on trains to other regions of the country. Let’s not repeat that here. The problem is that if you try to quarantine a major city like NYC or Seattle, people immediately scurry to surrounding areas where there aren’t quarantines and continue to spread the virus there. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Voodoo Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Simple Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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It's now 2 weeks straight in the US of every action getting some criticism for overreacting and then seeming obvious 3 days later. We should all have caught onto this pattern by now and we should jump to the action that seems like overreacting in the present. If I was a betting type person I'd say this is what Ohio is doing, leading into a full shutdown other than essentials. (Banks, fuel, groceries, healthcare, other essentials) They desperately need to close malls, traffic has honestly increased as they are still open and all kids now are out of school, everyone here thinks nothing is wrong. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Simple Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

Sugar Skull Couple Peace Love Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Is it possible the local news hasn’t been crying wolf with every threatening disease— people just stopped taking it seriously after a while because the correct precautions were put in place and we didn’t see the consequences of NOT being extra careful? Ebola made it to the US and they enacted STRICT procedures and put a pandemic team in place just for this kind of situation. When swine flu was going around people WERE extra careful. Not to the point we have to be now because it didn’t get here. Also, this originated in China which went out of its way to hide the problem until it was FAR too late. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Couple Peace Love Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Skeleton Dance Party Shirt

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This guy is making too much common sense. I bet this is probably going to happen. Like what happened with the Las Vegas casinos, it sounds like they are trying to ease the public/ massage the public into this. They just keep hinting at it, then letting only one or two cities do it, and then wham, everyone does it. That is not exactly what is going on. No one wants to make decisions through this and take responsibility. Local governments are waiting and hoping for the higher state and federal authorities to make decisions. Trump is telling the state and local governments to make decisions and try and get what they need. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Skeleton Dance Party Shirt

Simple Sugar Skull Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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No cash handouts required. People who depend on receiving these payments who suffer a loss of income, will also not be responsible for any of their payables for the same time period. There should be a mandatory quarantine for 30 days and ALL payables including mortgages, rents, credit cards, auto payments, utilities, taxes, debts or structured payments of any kind should be SUSPENDED for 30 days. I think this would be super effective and allow people to stay at home without work, or worse, going out to work in desperation and causing more potential contacts/cases unnecessarily. Buy it:  Simple Sugar Skull Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Kitty Dia De Los Muertos Mexican Holiday Shirt

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You will still owe those bills. These banks and corporations don't give a damn about you. Hell, they will probably find ways to make money off this. People are in for a rude awakening if they think the govt is going to be here to help. When has the govt ever helped the common man? All they do is bailout airlines, corporations and banks. CEOS still get hundreds of millions in a parachute when their company loses it all and employees are left with nothing. The people making these policies don't live in our world and don't care about our consequences.  Buy it:  Sugar Skull Kitty Dia De Los Muertos Mexican Holiday Shirt

Sugar Skull Panda Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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I know that once testing starts call centers like the ones we work in will be ground zero to large amounts of cases. My wife and I are young and healthy, but so many people we work with are older, overweight, and have preexisting conditions. I fear for them and this country. I hope we can make the right decisions, and I hope it’s not too late when we do. Sadly it might already be too late. they truly are essential. Maybe not everyone in the business, but most of them. Having reliable internet and communications in this time is critical, more important than ever. Also banks, you don't need physical cashiers, but you need people to unlock your cards, to handle your finances, to stop fraud etc. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Panda Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Misanthrope Skulls Skeleton Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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A national quarantine is the only thing that will get company’s like AT&T, Comcast, and Big Banks to send their employees home. All of them have grounded themselves on the “we are essential”. My wife and I work for companies in buildings that are 500+ people in size. Coughing, sneezing, and sickness is just being overlooked. We’re being told that if we call out sick we will have corrective action taken.  Most people are a paycheque or two away from homelessness. I know I can’t afford even groceries for 4 months without pay, let alone rent and bills. And I live alone, I can’t imagine the stress of supporting a family. Buy it:  Misanthrope Skulls Skeleton Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Flower Skull Halloween Gardening Floral Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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The best effect would be a national quarantine but right now it’s pretty close to that with most schools closed and anyone with a desk job working from home. That’s all you can do and hope it’s enough assuming people will deviate from the rules. We can’t lock people in their houses from the outside like in China, so we’ll do the best we can within the limits Americans are willing to accept. We already bungled the first month with almost no testing and a laid back response. Buy it:  Flower Skull Halloween Gardening Floral Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Girl Shirt

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I see the math and understand the stakes but I'm tired of bullshit "from the gut" reactions that don't take into account expert judgement and planning for more than next week. I'm also suspicious of experts who describe an abstract set of best practices in their field without recognizing that experts in other fields can tell them which of those things can actually be accomplished and sustained over many months. Yes but I'm talking about how to lower the curve. If we don't incorporate human behavior (and failings!) Into our planning our approach itself will fail. We will take politically dramatic actions that don't have the best effect. Buy it:  Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Girl Shirt

Day Of The Dead Beagle Sugar Skull Dog Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Up to 150 million people in the US are expected to contract this per a closed-door report to Congress by the congressional physician. If the death rate is 2%, that’s 3 million dead. If we lower the curve so hospitals can handle all cases, maybe we get it down to 1% and save 1.5 million lives. In comparison, that’s still nearly four times the amount of Americans killed in WWII, and that’s a best case scenario with quarantine. Buy it:  Day Of The Dead Beagle Sugar Skull Dog Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Artistic Rage Skulls And Raven Day Of The Dead Shirt

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And the study mentioned. The deal seems to be that suppression with intermittent breaks works well if the breaks are short enough so they don't allow the virus to be widely established AND IF the approach is used all the way until a vaccine is found. The result of alternative approaches are disasters of varying but staggering magnitude. Don't we have to think about how long people will actually stay in quarantine once it is started? There is a practical and psychological aspect which we seem to be glossing over for economic and best theoretical approach reasons. Buy it:  Artistic Rage Skulls And Raven Day Of The Dead Shirt

America Flag Headband Skull Día De Los Muertos Shirt

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At least my boss agreed with me, which is a good thing because he's the vice president and operations manager, but he doesn't have final day on things. He can only make suggestions to the president of the company and the ownership group. Oh well. Hopefully things will work out and somebody will start making the hard decisions soon. Right or wrong it's better to act than not. Sorry for the rant but that conversation with HR really annoyed me and I just needed to vent. Buy it:  America Flag Headband Skull Día De Los Muertos Shirt

Floral Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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I also told her that herself and all other managers above me need to stop kicking the can down the road and show some leadership themselves before the government makes decisions for them. That upset her but at that point I was done with the conversation and told her that until I'm told by someone higher up, whether it is the president of the company or the President of the US, I'm going to run things to the best of my ability and maintain the status quo and that's it. Buy it:  Floral Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Unique Cool Tree Spirit Skull Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt

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I'm a supervisor for a CNC manufacturing facility and I had a conversation just like what you described with my HR person. She said basically the exact same thing yours said to you. Only she took it a step further and told me that I was a leader in the company for a reason and to act like it by assuring employees that everything is going to be ok. I almost lost my cool with her when she said that. I replied that I would do no such thing because I don't know how things stree going to turn out. However, I did say that I'd tell everyone to use their best judgment until someone tells them otherwise.  Buy it:  Unique Cool Tree Spirit Skull Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt

Unique Cool Tree Spirit Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Someone needs to hold these companies liable for their decisions to put workers in harm's way. Is there not a union? Someone needs to let management know that if their decisions harm lives, there will absolutely be lawsuits.  That’s completely opposite of what the big boss said via email. She told me this on Friday as she was going to fly to Mexico for vacation that night. Ffs! I want to pull my hair out at how stupid people are. They just pick and choose what science they decide to believe in any given day. Buy it:  Unique Cool Tree Spirit Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Till Death Do Us Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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Work in a steel mill. About 50% still think this is all a joke. I was hyping it up back in January and they called me paranoid etc. now more and more are coming around/starting to get worried. Work came out and said if your sick stay home, but guys have bills to pay and have said they’ll come into work sick if they have to. I’m a supervisor for my shift and our president of our division said via email you could be sent home if sick. I called HR for clarification if I was supposed to send people home if sick.. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Till Death Do Us Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Lovers Couple Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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I’ve been having very interesting discussions in my psychology classes at university about how this will continue happening. Humans are very empirical creatures, just the way we evolved. We see a lion, we run. We see a sexual partner, we mate. Humans are almost exclusively focused on what’s directly in front of them, happening right now. We’re really really bad at logical future planning or acting on things before they happen. It’s just not how our brains are wired deep down. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Lovers Couple Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Vegan Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

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I wish they would so I could just work from home. We were gathered and harshly spoken to today - basically saying we need to get rid of any ideas of not coming to work because of irrational panic. We were told if we don’t come to work we will not be paid and if we stay home for any extended period we will be let go. 90% of our office personnel can do their job from home and we have all been supplied with the computers, Mouses, keyboard, docking stations etc to work from home (upon hire). Yet our CEO says working from home is only for those who are sick and not to be implemented company wide. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Vegan Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Outlaw Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Look at the comments on that feed. Most of them are people who don't seem to understand AT ALL how this virus works. Saying their lives will be disrupted because they have to work. Yikes. We're well past the point where that matters. Many (me included) have already lost all their income. I was talking to my wife about this last night. If people are going to continue to display the lack of discipline it takes to self-quarantine, guess what, the Federal, State and local governments have to power to do it for you. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Outlaw Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Posada Day Of The Dead Outlaw Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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While this sounds easy, how will a country that is built on commerce and money survive? So everyone is locked in their homes. And then what happens? You realize almost everything we do requires humans unless you think robots run the world. Where is the source of income coming from for families who live week to week? Humans have to man these plants to deliver utilities and resources. Does that go away? This isn't some video game. This is real life. A national quarantine would have crippling ramifications. You think one solves the other but now you have two problems on your hand. Buy it:  Posada Day Of The Dead Outlaw Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Floral Sugar Skulls Shirt

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My neighbor is in her 60s and thinks it will pass in 1 to 2 weeks time. I told her China still has cases and it just recently slowed down there after months of issues. She said "well I don't think the took as many precautions", to which I say "they did probably even more and forcibly quarantined people". She then said she's been praying and her church group is also prays so it's going to be okay. Well, the news did tell us not to wear facemasks, so... people are giving it the authority it's earned. That's how lying works. Buy it:  Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Floral Sugar Skulls Shirt

Sugar Skull Girl Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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My neighbor is in her 60s and thinks it will pass in 1 to 2 weeks time. I told her China still has cases and it just recently slowed down there after months of issues. She said "well I don't think the took as many precautions", to which I say "they did probably even more and forcibly quarantined people". She then said she's been praying and her church group is also prays so it's going to be okay. Considering that many governments are finally starting to get on board with what must be done, I'm more hopeful for the outcome. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Girl Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Beauty Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Yeah my company is having issues allowing us to work remotely when though we are an IT department for an Enterprise. They literally just don't want to pay Citrix for increased VPN band width and have reserved the VPN for after hours support only and are making all 1000ish of us come into the office everyday.... I work in the shipping and logistics industry. I've been following this from day 1. It's been incredibly worrying. I wish more people watched it this closely, but, then again, widespread panic isn't good, either. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Woman Day Of The Dead Beauty Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Sugar Skull Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Vintage Shirt

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When will people learn that so many companies do not give a damn about them? We are just pawns that are easily disposable to fatten their pockets. High rises that house tons of people are not closing down. Why? The almighty dollar. What is the point of closing some things and not others? People that work in these places will go home to their families and can spread it. I kept trying to tell people who were ignoring it: what do you seriously think is going to happen? Is it just going to fizzle out without any action being taken? Why delay the inevitable, only to let things get worse first? Buy it:  Sugar Skull Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Vintage Shirt

Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Candle Shirt

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We had an all office meeting of 100ish that was mandatory in person yesterday. Our CEO basically said clients aren't cancelling projects and with limited software licenses, we need to prepare for letting by and hard hours in the office to meet deadlines. I do field work. Only statement from company is "stay 6 feet away". First customer of the day smells like cough drops and is hacking up a lung. I explain be needs to stay back. He proceeds to get within a foot of me several times. No PPE has been provided. I'm so fucked. Buy it:  Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Candle Shirt

Cat Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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They called an all hands where the high ups at my husband's company all shared a microphone, touched their faces, touched the clicker and had everyone like sardines in a room. It was a lot of people. He said he wanted to run out so bad because it felt so dangerous. He said of all the things that could have been an email with a link to the slideshow that was one of them. Each individual could have watched it in a safe space. It is dangerous. Remember, there is absolutely no guarantee, unless you're a child (and even then...), that you will get it mild. Small chance, but a chance non-the-less. Still the possibility of permanent damage is real as well. Buy it:  Cat Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Brain Freeze Ice Cream Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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I called my father yesterday morning and told him I didnt think it was a good idea for us to hang out for a while. The sullenness in his voice afterward is what hurt the most. He thanked me for my consideration and forethought and reassured me he understands. I almost cried afterward. It's worse because we always have dinner today, and mom makes corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and homemade soda bread. I might go over to say hi and have them leave me a plate on the porch to join them for the meal from outside. Buy it:  Brain Freeze Ice Cream Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Together Forever Sugar Skull Bride & Groom De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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Honestly crossing my fingers for a forced quarantine. My boss refuses to close our office, and he also is still coming in to work every day, despite flying back from a conference in Florida a week ago. I am so scared for my high-risk parents, and I don't know if I'd ever be able to forgive myself if I pick it up from work and bring it to them, but I need the paycheck. Everyone intelligent is. It's the only proven way to stop this. No argument, the more we delay, the more people are going to keep passing this through offices, services like transportation and orders/take-out. All it takes is one small mistake from someone who's asymptomatic. Buy it:  Together Forever Sugar Skull Bride & Groom De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

Lakota Shaman Bull Sugar Skull Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Yeah. People like that I think will have a very hard time when other, less fortunate people become desperate though. I know some people have talked about where they can "get" money, food, or whatever, when things get real bad. Worries me, because I wonder how many other people, who struggle with putting food on the table, will resort to when things get worse. That's the main reason why I just bought a shotgun for protection. Do I think we're going to fall into a dystopia hellscape within a week? No. Do I think there's many many people out of work right now and who will be in the near future and will thus become desperate and more prone to crime in the coming years? Yes. Buy it:  Lakota Shaman Bull Sugar Skull Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Floral Sugar Skull Sombrero Guitar Day Of The Dead Mariachi Shirt

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I used 7 days of vacation to make it to yesterday, when I was finally allowed to work from home. My coworkers are happy to have me back and no one has said anything negative about the choice I made. You do you, just keep in mind, this is your health. Sure, you may be young, good health, but one thing I remind myself, there is ALWAYS a chance. You can always stop by his place later and uh, "appeal to his sense of empathy", if things get dire. The CEO of my company literally emailed us and said "80% of cases are asymptomatic or mild and none of you are in high risk groups so don't panic" I cannot fucking wait to quit my job. Buy it:  Floral Sugar Skull Sombrero Guitar Day Of The Dead Mariachi Shirt

Einhorn Sugar Skull Dios De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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We were on spring break last week. I had several students ask me before break if I thought we would end up having school cancelled due to the virus. I told them I'd be shocked if we didn't lose at least a week or two. They were really surprised - but I told them I'd been following the story for a couple of months and when it got here, we'd be closed. Good advice. If you're over 40 or immunocompromised, go ahead and ask the boss if he has a Ouija board, maybe leave one lying around where he will find it. Otherwise you might miss the chance to say "I told you so". Buy it:  Einhorn Sugar Skull Dios De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Girl Funny Day Of The Dead Hanging Skulls Girl Shirt

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Boss just stood over me laughing and joking about how he's not social distancing. Literally one foot away. We are in an office and half the people are worried and the other half think it's a joke. I'm about ready just to quit. I've been telling people in my office for weeks that shit is going to hit the fan. I've been sitting alone and isolated in a booth since early February. Finally Sunday night we got word the office is closed and to work from home. My phone blew up from people I work with texting me and telling me they should have listened to me. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Girl Funny Day Of The Dead Hanging Skulls Girl Shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Funny Day Of The Dead Hanging Skulls Shirt

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The best solution is to pursue drugs to treat it to mitigate symptoms in people where they get bad, as much as possible. And promote quarantining and social isolation to keep the spread slow, so that hospitals aren't overwhelmed at once while treating patients. It's almost impossible to totally prevent it until a vaccine is available, if one ever does pass trials, since this disease is just too contagious and a vaccine is so far out. Clinging all hopes to a vaccine is absolutely not the answer. Coronavirus vaccines are notoriously difficult and risky. SARS, a closely related disease and virus, still doesn't have a vaccine and that outbreak was like 2003. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Funny Day Of The Dead Hanging Skulls Shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Flowers Funny Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

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I think talking about weeks is more to ease people into the idea of shutting everything down. Look how much panic there has been over talk of a two week shutdown. Meanwhile the CDC recommendation for social distancing is 8 weeks, and schools will surely be closed for the remainder of the school year. But if you start saying that from the get go you will have riots and fighting and scared people REALLY panic buying. I think you are correct and that we will be dealing with this virus for months, at least until we have a decent vaccine. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Flowers Funny Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

Dancing Skeletons And Sugar Skulls Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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We do not learn unless we suffer and its exacerbated by having an absolute buffoon in charge who wasted 6 weeks and even now is far more interested in business and market health than people's health. Dude trickle down economics work! It’s like when you’re eating a Boston cream doughnut and some of that delicious inner cream starts to drip down your chin. Right before it reaches the edge and falls you wipe it with your finger and stick it right back in your mouth! Boom economics 101. Buy it:  Dancing Skeletons And Sugar Skulls Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Shirt

Circo Sugar Skulls Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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Well, since our federal govt is fumbling the ball, states have slowly started to come around. Since I've been ordered to work from home and SF is essentially on lockdown, i feel much more comfortable (altho homeschooling kiddos is not as easy as it sounds). I assume the same is or will be happening elsewhere. I work out in the public in CA and I can't tell you the number of people including the elderly out just walking around having coffee, shopping, picking up packages like it's a normal day when they have been explicitly asked to socially isolate. Americans are indolent, arrogant and indifferent and it's going to bite us in the ass like a 250lb wolf. Buy it:  Circo Sugar Skulls Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

Candy Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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Respectfully, it could be that your fiance is suffering from anxiety about it and trying to "bury her head" to deal with it. I suffer from anxiety anyway, and I've had to limit my news intake because I recognize how serious this whole thing is and I'm terrified. Willful ignorance is astoundingly damaging in all facets of life, but particularly those that affect everyone's health and safety. I hope it doesn't take an "I told you so" moment to wake up your fiance and others like her, but sometimes that's the only thing that convinces people to pay attention. Unfortunately by then it's too late. For those of us paying attention and looking out for everyone else's well-being it's frustrating, to be sure. Buy it:  Candy Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

Dia De Los Muertos - Viva Mexico Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

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Where did society go from not trusting politicians and listening to scientific experts to listening to politicians and refusing to believe the experts? This is absolutely the most jacked up version of reality Same here and no one in my family wants to listen to me. My fiance is like the more you read the more anxious you get... like wtf look at Italy and we are BEHIND the curve italy was.... shes like I don't wanna hear about it anymkre... well when I'm right within the week you are getting a huge I told you so. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos - Viva Mexico Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

Sacred Sugar Skull Couple Day Of Dead Día De Los Muertos Shirt

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All of our schools are closed and all of our bars and restaurants are closed in my state (except for allowing takeout/delivery). When people keep saying we aren’t doing anything, I feel like that’s false. Yes, we acted late, but at this point all we can do is work with the present and do what we can right now.... Hopefully more and more states will also close their schools and close other businesses down for the next few weeks. At least in a Tsunami the people who ignore the warning face the consequences instead of making other people dead from their ignorance. Buy it:  Sacred Sugar Skull Couple Day Of Dead Día De Los Muertos Shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Blue Shirt

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No one on the local or state level wants to be the first to get strict with this, so they are all hemming and hawing, waiting for the feds to take action. But I'm pretty convinced they're not going to do anything because they just don't care about any of us. More billions to banks and the travel industry. Nothing for the little guy. Americans need to wake up and realize they've become a third world country. Yea, I've thought about that tsunami metaphor as well. Like every country is a boat, just sitting there and watching the other boats in front of them get capsized and torn up. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Blue Shirt

Sugar Skull Colorful Day Of Dead Día De Los Muertos Shirt

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This. I realized this morning that this is where the source of all my anxiety is coming from. I'm lucky enough that I work from home, and I've been self-isolating for a few weeks already. But half the US doesn't seem to understand that we are about to get slammed with a tsunami unlike anything else we've seen. I don't understand the mentality that can see the reports from Italy and think it won't happen to us, but it's the same willful ignorance that elected our government that is handling this all so poorly. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Colorful Day Of Dead Día De Los Muertos Shirt

Chihuahua Skulls Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Dog Funny Halloween Shirt

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Avoid off-topic political discussions. Comments must be related to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Comments focused on politicians rather than public policy will be locked/removed at our discretion and repeat offenders may be banned.Please use reliable sources. Unverified twitter/youtube accounts, facebook pages, or just general unverified personal accounts are not acceptable. General questions and prepping info should be kept to the Daily Discussion Thread. Buy it:  Chihuahua Skulls Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Dog Funny Halloween Shirt

Red Burn Skull Dia Delos Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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I used to really admire america. The last few years has changed that perception drastically. The blatantly corrupt politics seem to have the whole country in such a tight grip that from the outside it looks like a 3rd world country. Your president is lying constantly and obviously yet he has outspoken followers in the millions who just disregards his lies. There seems to be no safetynet for the average person at all and you seem to rely on luck to get through your life. "I hope I dont lose my job, if i do i am fucked", "if i get sick i am fucked", "nvm the ambulance, ill call an uber, id rather die than pick up the hospital bill". Buy it:  Red Burn Skull Dia Delos Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

Sugar Skulls Calaveras Lineup In Color Day Of The Dead Shirt

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Honestly just getting kind of tiresome and sad. My dad (1943-2020) spent his entire life calling the US a 'Banana Republic' saying that for all the good they did in ww2, everything that followed was cultural imperialism and what not. I always shook it off as boomer gospel and didn't really pay any attention to it, but after seeing ppl run amok in the streets in my own country screaming about police brutality, when we've had like 33 total shots fired in 2017 (16 warning shots) I realised that the impact the US have on the world, is indeed tangible and that maybe his advice about treating american media as propaganda, while a bit extreme, maybe wasn't all bs. Buy it:  Sugar Skulls Calaveras Lineup In Color Day Of The Dead Shirt

Vintage Sugar Skulls Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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The government has said it's unnecessary, and although there are cities where it is enforced, they're relying on social distancing, working from home, extensive testing and hygiene measures. You do need to wear a mask on public transport though. It's largely succeeding, although I'm critical of it. Some of the Nordic countries too. But AFAIK in the EU mask wearing isn't really political like in the US. You just have the usual weirdoes who spend too much time on the internet gobbling up propaganda, who have gone off the deep end. But usually people simply follow government and medical advice. Buy it:  Vintage Sugar Skulls Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

Calavera De La Calendula Flower Day Of The Dead Shirt

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You’re so polarised. If you’re a republican, democrats are evil Marxist trying to destroy America, and if you’re a democrat, republicans are evil fascists trying to destroy America. There’s an almost wartime mentality there of the enemy is evil and our leader can do no wrong(especially in republicans) that’s quite scary actually. For me the craziest (and sadly, most predicable thing) was how there were Americans protesting wearing masks. You’d think the most patriotic thing they could’ve done for their fellow countryman would be to protect them, but nah having . Buy it:  Calavera De La Calendula Flower Day Of The Dead Shirt

Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Psychedelic Pastel Sugar Skull Shirt

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I would like to clarify I did not mean this to be against the BLM protesters. More in that British politics has been swept up in American and many people can't distinguish between the two political and legal systems which are vastly different and it impedes people's ability to exist safely and consciously within our society. Not that Britain is some wonderland compared to America, Britain is not a good country, but for different reasons As a Brit. Please stop telling everyone your experiences are universal. The people of my country are beyond stupid and won't do their own research so now everyone thinks they're American Buy it:  Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Psychedelic Pastel Sugar Skull Shirt